Thursday, August 18, 2011


KL Brady, author of the BUM MAGNET, who went from self-publishing success to a dual success with traditional and self-pubbing stopped by my writer's critique group on Wed. to share the wealth

She talked about ACCEPTING CRITICISM, which is one of the first steps of becoming a great writer. Her completion of her novel in 4 months let to her submitting it to contest. She admitted that her work was far from ready and through months and months of revisions, ripped up critiques, she made her baby shine.

THE QUERY MAIDEN, she also talked about sending out over 150+ query letters only to get rejected over and over again before taking her plunge into self-pubbing.

Her journey as an INDIE Author/publisher kicked off through lots of hard work, endless marketing, staying up late nights. But it all paid off with awards and great sales.

EDITORS come a calling after she gained some momentum. Literally, she was approached by email then a call.

PICKING AGENTS then was simple since she was a sure thing.

Now she has an agent, a great book deal with Pocket Books, and is still writing. Her YA series hit the street as a self-pub endeavor, but who knows... soon that too may be picked up.

INSPIRATION was, "time waits for no one" and "never give up" is her mantra.

Check out her website and books:

1 comment:

  1. Time waits for no one. I like that one. Never give up is something I tell myself, but it's easier said than done. I send out a bunch of queries, get a bunch of rejections, and put querying on hold for much too long. Thanks for the inspiration!
