Monday, September 9, 2013

Broken anthology, Wagonbridge Press’s upcoming ghost story anthology

Please welcome, Author, Jordan Mierek's story 'Danse Macabre' is featured in
Broken anthology, Wagonbridge Press’s upcoming ghost story anthology

A story can’t evolve into entertainment without an idea, that spark of imagination that lights up your mind, that gives you the ah-ha moment. Then, away you go, with pen to paper. I’m often asked, “How did you come up with an idea for that story?”
13 Haunting Tales, a ghost story anthology edited by Terri Karsten, will be coming out in October from Wagonbridge Publishing. Three of my short stories will be included –time to insert a huge happy face and a sexy happy dance. So, where did the inspirations for the stories come from?
YANKEE INN, the tale of a restaurant staffed by ghosts, derived from a restaurant down the street from my boyfriend’s old home. It is supposedly haunted. I’ve eaten there once, and while I loved the old-fashioned décor, I didn’t see any ghosts.
CANDLESTICK GUILT, the tale of a haunted new home, came about while watching ghost shows on television. So many people move into a house only to discover mysterious happenings and an eerie past. So far, our new homes have been okay…we think. Hopefully you’ll find the ending of this story to be a happy one.
AMITY, in which a girl must help solve a mystery for a ghost in a graveyard, was the first one I wrote. I live near a graveyard, and one day while I was looking down at a grave from the late 1700s, I wondered what it would be like to have the woman appear beside me. I could ask her what her life had been like. I could learn what fate had befallen her, and I hoped it had been wonderful. Then, I wondered what it would be like to have her ask me to do her a favor…
If you’re interested in seeing more of my work, you can check out my stories on WattPad. I don’t wish you nightmares, but I do hope the short stories give you a delicious chill.
Introduce yourself!
My short stories and poetry are published in Dark and Dreary Magazine, Storyhouse, the Magical Library, RiverSedge, and AboutTeens. My work has won awards in The XPress and Utica Writers Club. I am the vice president of the Utica Writers Club and have my Bachelor’s degree in elementary education.

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