Please welcome my spotlight guest, and check out her book!

How are you diggin the party?
I’ve been popping in and out, marveling at all you have going on, lady! Nice!
Tell me about yourself?
I write middle grade and young adult books, and I'm a mom of three boys, ex-engineer, rocket scientist, and elected official. But mostly I write stories for kids and love every minute of it. My first published novel, Life, Liberty, and Pursuit (2010, Omnific Publishing), is a teen love story about a college-bound girl who falls in a pool, the Navy recruit who rescues her, and their struggle to choose between following their dreams and daring to love.
Are you in the book business? What do you do?
I guess I am now! My book just published this last week, and I’m still trying that “published author” label on for size. So far, it feels kinda tingly, but several shades of awesome. But for some time now I’ve been blogging about writing and reading children’s books and connecting with writers. Having worked in many different fields, I have to say that the writing community is the warmest, most collaborative place I’ve ever seen.
Have you read any of LM Preston’s books? Say something smashingly great about LM Preston or her books.
Although Explorer X-Alpha is on my TBR list, I haven’t read it yet, which is something I need to remedy right quick. Especially because LM is the trifecta of awesome: MG writer, SF writer, and fellow blogger!
What are you currently working on?
Now that Life, Liberty, and Pursuit is launched, I need to get back to my other two WIPs: a middle grade science fiction (yay!) novel called Byrne Risk that’s near-ready for querying, and a young adult paranormal novel, Open Minds, which I’m still drafting. I have another pesky idea for a boy-centric middle grade novel knocking around in my head, but it needs to wait in line while I get these books written.
Big things in your future?
Hopefully more of the same: writing, blogging, publishing. I’ve only been writing for about a year and a half, but the passion for it has completely taken me over. I want to do this for the rest of my life. Is that too big to ask for?
Author of Life, Liberty, and Pursuit (June 2010, Omnific Publishing)
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Hi to Susan and thanks for more about LIfe, Liberty, and Pursuit, LM.
Hi C. Lee! Thanks for the chance to interview LM! :)
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