~Tisha Berg, owner of Biz Mommy
I was on Biz Mommy Radio with Tisha Berg this Monday, August 9th at 1:30pm. Click the link to hear my interview with Tisha Berg, owner of Biz Mommy, (http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bizmommy/2010/08/09/find-your-spark).
Biz Mommy is an Internet Radio and blog devoted to Busy Mommies who also own businesses. As an author many of us start of writing because we love it. However, with the growth from writing, to pitching to agents and publisher and ending with publishing promotion it becomes obvious that we are running a business. Most writers don’t start writing with the realization that they are in the business of selling their books. It doesn’t start with the agent, it starts with us.
Tisha Berg is a wonderful inspiration to all that want to pursue their dreams of building a business that fits in with their lives.
Here’s an excerpt from her website:
“Well, first and foremost it’s a support community for women who are seeking change. You will find advice, events and resources to help you create a life you LOVE and make every day the joyous celebration you want it to be! In talking to many women who want to start their own businesses, I have found that there are a lot of negative and self-defeating ideas that need to be overcome before I can even begin to help them make the transition from being an employee to an entrepreneur. It all starts with mindset.” By Tisha Berg
BizMommy contact:
Website: http://bizmommy.com/about/
Twitter: http://twitter.com/TishaBerg
Blog Talk Radio Show: Find Your Spark, http://www.blogtalkradio.com/bizmommy
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