Hello all, please welcome our Teen Book Reviewer, Nyia. She couldn't wait to give her review of Silver Phoenix
When I first picked up the book I really liked the cover. The colors and the girl were so pretty I couldn’t wait to read it. I loved this story because it felt like I was in a different place. Where Ai lived was full of surprises and dangers. Her friend Chen seemed loyal and a good friend. Ai’s quest to find her dad made her stronger, more sure of herself and I liked her character a lot. The dialogue with the characters also helped to give me a feeling I was in another place, and her adventures kept me interested. It was like I couldn’t wait to see what the next test for Ai would be. I give this book a 4 out of 5 stars only because I would have liked to see more happen with Ai’s and Chen’s relationship.
LM Preston's THOUGHTS about cover change:
After hopping around in the blogsphere, I've read about the drastic cover change to the Silver Phoenix. I'm saddened that a publishing company would have to go to such lengths to sell a book. I asked Nyia what she thought of the cover change and she was extremely disappointed. She'd been drawn to Silver Phoenix by the beautiful cover. Considering the publishers felt the book would be better marketed if they changed the cover, I wonder what they are going to do with the previous copies of the old covers. Hopefully, readers will be given a choice on which cover they'd like to purchase and I wish Cindy Pon all the best and much success on the sequel.
Here's the Fury of the Phoenix: Book 2 in the series. They are changing the next edition covers from the Silver Phoenix to look like this. The eyes, a truly Asian distinctive feature will be covered.

What do you think? Regardless of whether you like the cover or not, pick this one up. It's a keeper :-D
If the picture that is showing is the original cover then I definitely agree that it's great as is.
Daniel L Carter
Author of The Unwanted Trilogy
I loved this book, especially Cindy's great ability with detail (anyone else drool over the food????)
I'm disappointed about the cover change, especially the fact that they're doing what seems to be another racial bias again by trying their best not to show Ai as she really is. I can see why they're doing it though, and completely understand the need for change (because covers like the new one are similar to those that are selling strong right now). Still, at least keep the character true to her physical nature and don't hide it!
Thanks for the review, the book sounds really interesting!
As for the cover, I think the first one is lovely. It's sad and unnecessary to change it.
A good friend of mine also gave this a hearty review, so it's already on my TBR list.
This business of changing the cover really gets under my skin. I want the author to have as much success as possible, but I find it hard to believe that whitewashing a cover TRULY leads to more sales. In this day and age?? It just doesn't make sense to me.
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