We love movie night at our house. The two times a month we do it is a major affair. We turn it into an all night movie marathon and snack fest.
We create a movie night theme. With 4 kids we have a major voting event of putting ideas in a hat and picking the one THEME for the night.
If the theme is ADVENTURE NIGHT, we create intermission games to play between switching out the movie. Our last adventure night featured PETER PAN, PIRATES OF THE CARRIBEAN and TRANSFORMERS. To prepare we made cup-cakes with theme inspired designs. We made popcorn with chocolate and caramel and we created swords for sword play during intermission.
Between each movie, we play a game of HIDE AND SEEK, STORM THE GATES and ACTING OUT. Hide and Seek is the most favored part, because the winner gets the small bag of goodies up for grabs. Storm the gates, we separate into teams and create forts in which we tickle and wrestle our way in to capture the treasure of the opposing team. Acting out consists of teams acting out a meaningful scene from one of the movies viewed and they win the ultimate prize of the night, usually a craft kit that we get from the $1 store.
Movie night can be a great sleep over party event when you add spice to it by creating fun, interactive activities. It’s also a breeding ground for great fun and imagination.
That's a great idea for kids.
Since we don't have kids, it's a lot simpler. LOL.
I plan our snacks around what kind of movies we're watching.
action flicks = nachos
comedy = popcorn
romance = margaritas :)
Oh, I like your ideas for me and DH when the kiddies are asleep :-D It's also a great party idea for teen sleepovers.
This is such a great idea! It sounds like your family has a lot of fun.
What a really neat idea. I love it! A fun way to spend time with the entire family. And the kids are a huge part of the party planning and execution. Neat. Neat. Neat. And just think of all of the memories you're making. They will be talking about these movie nights for years to come and maybe when they have kids of their own, it's something they will do. And then they can invite Grandma and Grandpa over (smiles). Thanks for sharing.
What a great idea! Unfortunately my hubby is not that much of a movie fan and we have no kids! So I have to settle with movie afternoons alone when my hubby goes out for a few hours on his motorbike : (
You are SO creative! Awesome. And now, I want to have a family movie night. I'm going to have to check the rating on Pirates because it would be great if everyone could watch.
Happy weekend!!
Excellent idea.
You don't watch the whole movie do you?
Do you just play favorite scenes?
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