I’m a lover of spooky character’s and scary stories. Truth is, I’m too much of a scaredy cat to write them though. As a writer, that story stays in your head for quite sometime, pushing you further and further into the minds of your characters. And let’s face it – I don’t want something spooky hanging around in my head that long –I’d be so jumpy.
These are some of the scariest books I’ve read. Definitely not for kids – but I read some of them when I was in my teens (sorry, I don’t remember there being a YA section of the library when I was a kid.)

Read them if you dare to be scared. Truth is, I don't think I could read them again. I'd be far to scared now :-D
Spooky I can deal with. Scary? It really depends, but more often than not I end up with a light on by my bed unable to fall asleep. I'm not familiar with all these books, but I know for a fact that It would scare the crap out of me.
One of the scariest books I read was VC Andrews' "Flowers in the Attic".
Virginia Andrews died in 1986, and left a considerable amount of unpublished material. Her first novel, 'Flowers in the Attic', was based on a true story, which to me is scarier than the idea of the story its self.
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