This is the foriegn, orginal version of LET ME IN that comes out in US theatres soon. Let me tell you, foriegn films don't hold back on seducing you into a sick, sadistically alluring relationship between a 12yr old boy who's bullied and seeking a friend...but befriends a deadly, yet loveable vampire. And they pull it off without gore, but with a wickedness that US movies just don't seem to have. This is one of my favorite Vamp tales, even though I had to read subtitles.

Spooky noises, anticipated horror, suspense that drives your heart to race until you figure out when it will all end? That's this heart racing movie. Check it out if you dare to be scared by a spirit that likes to torment the poor peeps in the house.

Let me tell you my deep dark secret...I HATE ZOMBIES...they scare the crap out of me. Every since the first time I snuck into the living room and watch NIGHT OF THE LIVING DEAD with my mother at just 10yrs old (unbeknowest to her) I was scared to death and had tons of nightmares. But...but...couldn't stop myself from seeing the orignal DAWN OF THE DEAD and loving the scare I got from zombies munching on living people. This remade version is even better than the first. This will definately be a fun horrified ride.

This one still scares the heck out of me. A house that's...that's haunted and starts to tear your family apart til everyone thinks you are crazy. This movie also has a ton of suspense. It's the grand-daddy of haunted house movies. A great scary blast from the past.
I hate zombies, too! No, scratch that, I hate ALL scary things (well, except vampires). Haha! So, for that matter, I don't really watch scary movies. But I've heard a lot of things about Paranormal Activity.
Reading Lassie
These are some great movies! I love let the right one in! I wish the US wasn't making another version - I have a feeling they will just ruin it.
My sister watched paranormal activity 2 in theatres last night and she said she was so scared she cried! I know I need to see the second one now because my sister is made of tough stuff! Have you seen it?
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