Memorial Day weekend the kick off week for ‘Beach Week’ for High School graduating seniors everywhere. Some kids beg, plead, and sneak to the beach to party before they have to start working for the summer and get ready to grow up. I never participated in this when I was a kid, but my friends did. Not to mention, we ran straight on into ‘Beach Week’ in Ocean City during a family vacation. Needless to say, my High School Junior to be was in hog heaven.
Oh, let me tell you, I loved people watching at the boardwalk in Ocean City. The teens came out in the evening in full effect. They had on their swim duds and were flirting, waving off balconies and smooching on the beach and on the boardwalk. There were several dance clubs (H2O) that was a 15yr-21yr old club that had ‘Foam Parties’ and huge ‘Video Dance Screens’ of the kids dancing and gyrating. One of the clubs even had a ‘Dance Cage’ for the kids. Uh, why or why didn’t I come here for Beach Week. Anyway, I got the skinny on the club from my son…one of the conditions of him being able to get his party on at H2O. Let me tell you…he had the time of this young life. The club was clean, well staffed and safe.
Okay, got to put on the warning alarm here. There are definite dangers to these events, and as a parent I’m wondering if I’ll give my kid the freedom to do ‘Beach Week’ without me….not! I think I’ll let him go, but I’ll be in town at the same time. The danger of drunk driving, texting while driving, fights, and robbery are still possibilities. On the way up to the beach there were several accidents with teen drivers that were ‘behaving badly’. Not to mention cop cars that were out every two miles or so (no joking…I’ve never seen that many cops on the road at one time).
Let’s face it. A day at the beach is fun. Even if you don’t like sand, try out a beach with a great boardwalk. Some beaches I love to go to that have great boardwalks are Virginia Beach, Ocean City, and Wild Wood (Cape May). They are all just a ride away.
what a fun post!! a day at the beach is just lovely, isn't it?
hehe thanks for putting us in the mood for summer!
I grew up going to Ocean City, Maryland, so I totally get what you're saying. And even when it's not Senior Week, the kids are something to see during the summer. Anyway, your post made me smile and brought back memories. Blessings, Buffy
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