Just last week I decided to throw a Virtual Book Launch Party, for my book THE PACK. I wish I would have started it sooner, but hey, better now than never. Believe it or not, there was very little out there on the web about it. I even resorted to posting on yachatlit.ning.com and absolutewrite.com about them. I got a little feedback. So I figure I will let the cat out of the bag and share how to prepare for one of these.
Anyone can throw a Virtual Party for any reason and the set up is fun and free.
I had my publisher create a page dedicated to the party. Check it out at http://www.lmpreston.com/THE-PACK.html . I also created a PARTY BLOG. Here it is, http://bookpartylmpreston.blogspot.com/ . These are in the beginning stages, but I figured why wait? I decided to make a party blog, because I didn’t want to create a blog page and just let it sit. Hey, I’m a writer and resourceful. I decided to make it a party blog where the party never stops and I can talk about upcoming books, run monthly contest, and focus completely on the book I’m promoting. That way the followers of that blog will always know where the free prizes are and will be able to find out secret tidbits about my book characters.
Well I figure I’d have party favors, music (it’s coming), video interview of the author, video interview of guest, book trailer, gifts, contest, book excerpts, chat room, guest book, cover art, book reviews, email box, and anything you would think would improve the fun.
To promote your party you could do the following; press release, tweet it, facebook it, newsletter, email it, send out postcards to friends, tell everyone in the forums you visit and ask people to pass the word on.
Have a real party too! I plan to have a small local launch party and invite my guest to log into the Virtual After Party while they are at my party. Sign my guest book and to do video interviews and pictures. After the local party, I hope to post pictures on the PARTY BLOG and kick off the next virtual party.
That's so cool. I'm going to check it out right now!
Pure awesomeness. A great idea and oh soooo much fun. Thanks for sharing.
Very cool, LM!
You know, I think throwing a vitual party can be done for anything. A virtual birthday party, movie party, anything. It only takes time and imagination. Uh-oh, stop me...I'm a party addict.
Sounds like a great idea. I may have to try this with my next book.
I don't see my comment! Basically said I love your ideas and will definitely print this posting and file it for my next book publishing. Good luck!
If anyone of you want to be a guest on the Party blog (and star on this one) let me know. Just send me an email and I'll send you interview questions. Everyone is welcomed.
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