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Find out more about THE PACK, Book Launch Party at
How are you diggin the party?
I'm absolutely lovin' the party. I love parties and I love books so the combination is pure awesomeness. Thanks for the invite.
Tell me about yourself?
I’m Assistant Managing Editor of Features and Niche Publications at the York Daily Record/Sunday News in York, Pa. I work with a terrific team of award-winning editors and reporters who make me proud each and every day. Honestly, I couldn’t imagine working with a better group of people. They are my heroes. We produce everything from a daily newspaper features section to a high-end glossy home magazine to a variety of online initiatives.
I love writing for kids and teens and hope to find an agent who believes in my work as much as I do.
I’m blessed with a wonderful husband and two awesome sons, all of whom think I'm way weird because I find things that only a 9-year-old would find funny. (Smiles)
I love running and had both of my knees operated on for medial meniscus tears. (OUCH!) I taught indoor cycling for five years and was called Buffy the Cycle Slayer (original, I know).
I'm learning to golf but I don't keep score because, well, I really don't want to know my score (yes, it's that bad). If I can hit the ball off the tee, I'm happy. Oh, and I get to wheel around a purple golf bag and use pink golf balls, which is way cool.
You can follow me (@Buffyandrews) and my fictional character (@Grandma_Dorothy from ELLA’S DANCE) on Twitter.
Oh, and my blog. I would love to have you visit my blog at,
Are you in the book business?
If being in the book business means having a book published, not yet. But I'm working hard to make that happen. (Fingers crossed)
Have you read any of LM Preston’s books?
Explorer X Alpha is on my to-read list. And, of course, The Pack will be too when it arrives in August. I love LM's enthusiasm and passion for her work.
What are you currently working on?
Thanks for asking. I'm getting ready to query my newest YA, THE LION AWAKENS.
It's about two teens, Annie Lange and David McClure, who learn their parents aren’t dead as they have been led to believe. Instead, they live in a parallel universe ruled by a tyrant hell-bent on taking over Annie and David’s world.
The 17-year-olds discover this secret when they find flash drives hidden in gifts left on their porches. The drives contain video messages from their parents and lead them to a mentor who helps the teens discover and master abilities they were previously unaware of. Mind Control. Telekinesis. Superhuman speed.
It's a fun read packed with action. There were moments while writing it that I cried. Annie and David fall in love and, well, sometimes things don't always work out the way we want them to.
Big things in your future?
Well, I hope so. (Even "little" things would be great.)
I love posting quotes on my blog that inspire me. Here are two:
"When your heart is in your dreams, no request is too extreme." --Jiminy Cricket. ... Gotta love the cricket! (Smiles)
"History has demonstrated that the most notable winners usually encountered heartbreaking obstacles before they triumphed. They won because they refused to become discouraged by their defeats." --BC Forbes, 1880-1954, ...Oh yeah. That's what I want to hear. You go everyone!
NEW WEEK - NEW SET OF GOODIES, Key Chain and Poster. Go to Party Website for more information,
I wonder how many writers are runners...the two activities seem to go hand in hand. Good luck with the new query!
Great interview Buffy. I learned so much new about you. Your new book sounds great. I love your blog. It's always full of inspiring thoughts.
Thanks Cafe and Natalie. As for the running, it helps relieve stress, and I actually work through a lot of my stories while running. I'm a much better runner than a golfer. Golfing takes a lot of patience and that's one thing I lack. Thanks for visiting LM's blog and for commenting on the interview. Blessings, Buffy
Love this interview! Buffy is awesome. Way to go with the running and the querying!
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