How are you diggin the party?
The party is always good as long as the drinks are flowing! haha
Tell me about yourself?
Retired Navy, former suburban husband turned Yuppie. I prefer to think of myself as separate from the crowd, "abby normal", if you will. I have a natural aversion to trends, so I'm often doing things that others don't do or wouldn't do. I spend a lot of time in books; just trying to keep up with the 100+ I've bought and haven't read yet.
Are you in the book business? What do you do?
I dunno if I'm in the business, but I am writing a series of novels, always cranking out social commentary on my blog, having fun with pictures and words and sentences, and occasionally I'll pump out a short story.
Have you read any of LM Preston’s books?
I have not read the two books she so sweetly sent me; however, I have given them to my daughter, who is also a read-a-holic, and I'm sure I'll be hearing something by the end of the summer. I asked her last weekend, but she's caught up in "Vampirates" at the moment.
What are you currently working on?
I am currently working on the marketing aspect of my first book "Dying Light", putting together my website, writing short stories for my New Baltimore world, trying to get back to the sequel "Midnight Sun", and considering helping a friend write a screen play for an indie film. I'm also reading 5-6 books at home and at work, have three magazine subscriptions, and am looking for someone to do a graphic novel with. Finally, I'm helping as many people as I can in their own endeavors.
Big things in your future?
You bet. Always.
Scott’s Website: http://deependothepool.blogspot.com
Tweet Scott: http://twitter.com/dsmeek36
Scott’s Blogs:
Baltimore Locked and Loved: http://bmorelockedloved.blogspot.com/
DYING LIGHT the novel: http://dyinglightthenovel.blogspot.com/
Serialized Novel-Dorothy Locked and Loaded: http://dorothylockedandloaded.blogspot.com/
awesome, thanks! are you being interviewed by anyone? have any book reviews done yet?
Yep, I'm doing my virtual blog tour now and would love to be your guest, lol! You can check out the right of my blog to see my virtual stops and reviews that's come in. I love spotlighting others in the biz :-D
The video in the poet is really nice. I usually don't like videos i the posts but this video is good and the topic covered in the post is also awesome. Its a must read.
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