How are you diggin the party?
Great people and books, what more could I ask for? I love parties and celebrating others' success. The music is great, too. *winky*
Tell me about yourself?
I am a former dental assistant turned stay-at-home mom. As mother to four humanoids (3 boys and a girl) and wife to my amazing hubby, life is never dull. With the kids being involved in every activity under the sun--ice hockey is the big one; ouch, I know--labeling us 'active' is an understatement. And yes, we have a dog.
Approximately two years ago, after a long hiatus from writing, I decided to take that leap from novice writer to serious writer aiming to hone my craft. At the gentile nudging of my hubby, I began reading insatiably, joined a writer's group, and took writing and publishing courses.
Being a former dancer and theater junkie, creative expression has always been important to me. I found a renewed love of the written word and a true passion I'd ignored. Thus, the evolution of ME has continued into a feisty writer of all that is YA and MG. I love dreaming up stories about angels, ghouls, vampires, faeries, and the average teenager who's not so average. Dropping my characters in places they obviously don't belong and helping them find their place, wherever that might lead them, is an adventure for me. I must also admit that my writing is usually flavored with romance; can't help it.
A quirky tidbit about me: I am a Monday Night Hottie--the group of ladies, ranging from ages 24 to 60, that I began dancing with two years ago. They are my angels of sanity. Oh, I also love homemade salsa with cream cheese on almost anything. Sure, odd. See where my characters get it?
Are you in the book business?
If blogging and hobnobbing with other writers who blog, reading in my genre daily, studying about the craft like crazy, and tapping the keys of my laptop until hubby wrenches it from my grip means I'm in the business...then sure, I'm in.
Have you read any of LM Preston’s books?
I haven't read EXPLORER X-ALPHA yet, but I have interviewed LM for the GRAFFITI WALL on my blog. She's brilliantly driven and a fountain of wisdom. Her organization skills are at masterful level, handling her family and her writing career. I know that must sound clique but it's true. She's also been extremely helpful to me, passing on some of her writing skills through critiquing my work.
What are you currently working on?
I'm currently working on the final edits of my YA Paranormal Romance, MARKED BEAUTY, and my synopsis. After a few helpful critiques from some talented writers and even an agent, I've revamped my query and written a new opener to the book.
It’s about sixteen-year-old Ana Tate, a beautiful tomboy, who learns she’s unwittingly bound to a centuries-old curse and her secret empathic ability could be the cure. She must overcome her fear of love and her family’s surprising immortal link to Viktor, the undercover yuppie lycan she despises, and save him or surrender to the curse.
As Ana struggles to unearth Viktor’s secret, he battles dangers to keep her safe, trying to figure out what to do. But when love creeps in and Viktor mysteriously disappears like her mother did years ago, Ana discovers this is much more than simply breaking a curse.
There were a few times Ana made me cry, reminding me how hard it was to be a teen--struggling to accept myself and what I felt, and trying to figure out what someone else felt. When Ana realizes that love is a sacrifice, she also sees that Viktor is not as human as she thought and neither is she.
Big things in your future?
Good gosh, heck yes! If anyone would have told me four months ago that I'd be blogging successfully and mingling with talented authors like LM, I'd have told them they were crazy. I've met so many incredible people. I am humbled.
Writers' Ally -- home of the famous GRAFFITI WALL
Oasis for YA - 5 YA writers join forces to celebrate all that is YA.
Twitter - @SherWordsGirl
Great interview. I love these interviews. I always learn so much about my blogging friends. Sheri, your story sounds awesome. Good luck with it. And I really enjoy your blog.
*Squeeze*, LM. So glad things are going well for you. U R everywhere!!
@Natalie, thanks. You're a wonderful friend and follower.
Love the interview Sher and LM. I agree with Nat. You learn so much about people through these interviews. Great stuff.
And LM, got the books! (Happy Dance). What a terrific party favor they are. Your virtual book party launch is a great idea. You go girlfriend!
I agree. Great energy here!
Thanks Ya'll. This blogging is so fun. I'm trying to get my kids to start blogs. This could be fun...oh, I'm also planning a in person launch party - you all are welcome to come, lol! Hopefully I can post pics.
Good luck to both Sheri and LM on their respective books - launching and WIP! :)
Hi, LM! Great blog! best of luck on the launch~
Also, cool sounding story, Sheri!
I look forward to getting to know you guys at yalitchat~
All the best, :o) LTM
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