Tuesday, September 2, 2014

My current project in Editing

Wastelands...book 2 in the BANDIT's series.

Has got me in editing quick sand. For some reason 'life' is getting pretty hectic - but in a good way. However, it's taking me forever to get through my first round of edits on this baby.

Now when I think back to the writing of it, I'd had a great time of it. It was a Nanowrimo novel. I kicked out the first draft in just 30 days - but truly my natural writing time is 3 to 4 months.

This push got the story out but cost me in editing time.

Don't fear. IT WILL BE MY NOVEMBER RELEASE! It will, it will, it will :-D

My plans for the BANDIT's series. Well of course for Daniel to finish this adventure, with all his faithful readers in tow.

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