(Literary Agent and Author)

Lauren Hammond knew from a young age that she was born to be a writer. After publishing her first novel in 2007, she then went on to write several screenplays and a few award winning poems.She aspires to be a positive role model for young people who have a pencil, a piece of paper, and a dream. Never give up on your dreams, you might wake up one day and regret not pursuing them.She has two more novels in the works, as well as some film projects.
HER BOOK, LOVE SUCKS has been getting great reviews:

NOVEL THOUGHTS Blog: www.novelthoughtsblog.com/.../love-sucks-by-lauren-hammond.html
A Buckeye Girl Reads: http://lovesromances.blogspot.com/2010/08/blog-tour-love-sucks-by-lauren-hammond.html
VAMPIRE Book Club: http://vampirebookclub.net/guest-post-lauren-hammond-on-fitting-an-eternity-into-love-sucks/
Book Blurb:In England during the seventeen hundreds, Cara Jones had her human life ended for her and she became a creature of the night. One moment she's an adolescent young woman living her life, the next she's lurking in the streets at night looking for her next meal. The vampire slayings in England became so brutal the whole race was nearly wiped out. So Cara and the clan she called her extended family fled to the U.S. to make a home. They kept to themselves and stayed out of trouble by feeding on recently deceased corpses and cleaning out blood supplies at local hospitals. When one of the clan members makes a mistake, they are once again being hunted and Cara is the only one who makes it out alive. Cara is officially the last vampire on earth. So when Cara awakes from a two hundred year slumber, she awakes to a new city, new people, and a new way of life. Cara sets out on a journey to find her soul mate, the one person who is designed for her. Along the way she encounters a zany new friend, a jealous co worker, and a man whom she can't live without. Dr. Jared Sayers is her destiny. Will Jared give up everything he knows to be with Cara? Or will she wander the earth for the rest of eternity alone?
Questions for SPOTLIGHT guest Author/Agent
Where did you get the inspiration for your books?
My inspiration comes from a lot of places. I usually get the best inspiration for my books when I'm sleeping, lol. I sleep with a notebook next to my bed in case I wake up to write something down..
How long did it take you to write them?
Honestly, it depends on each book. Some take me longer to write than others. The last one took me about seven months. I just finished the final edit on it about a week ago.
Which character in each book are you most attached to?
All of them lol... But I have to say my main character Ellory Graham in A Whisper To A Scream is the one I'm most attached to out of all of my books. She has littles pieces of me in her. I was totally reckless and rebellious when I was her age.
Do you miss your characters when you finish writing?
No... Only because almost all of my books have a sequel. As long as I've been writing, I've only written one stand alone novel and it's the book I'm currently working on, White Chapel.
What is your writing style?
Anything and everything.. I write contemporary, historical, thrillers, mystery's, fantasy.. And almost all of my novels have romantic elements.
How do you build your novels? Outline? Beta Reads? Crit Group?
If I had to say any of those it would be outlining.. But I don't even do outlining that often... I just usually write the first draft then go back and make changes.
Are you doing a Virtual Book Tour? When?
I did a blog tour back in Sept. As far as virtually, I haven't done one yet... Maybe in the future...
How hectic are things for you with 2 books coming out and starting a new career as a Lit Agent?
My life is insane right now... But I'm loving it! :)
Are you working on any writing projects for 2012?
Yes, right now, I'm working on White Chapel, which is YA mystery about a teenage girl living in 19th century England, who witnesses one of Jack The Rippers killings.
What was the turn of events that opened the doors to you becoming a Lit Agent?
I've done some critiques for a friend of mine, who's talent agency is opening up their former literary department. She asked me if I'd be interested and I accepted ..
What are the challenges of balancing your Lit Agent role and Author role?
It's a little tricky.. but I always make time for writing. I try to do most of my writing really late at night so I have time for work during the day...
Are you taking submissions for authors?
I am. But I don't go live until Feb 7..
What types of submissions are you looking for?
Honestly, anything that wows me. I'm open to everything aside from picture books, cook books, and most non-fiction.
Tell me about the lit agency you are with?
I'm with ADA Management Group which is based out of Florida.. They are fantastic and they also handle a lot of writing for the film industry.. When they began, they set up literary connections and they just needed someone to run the department. That's where I came in.
Where can we purchase your books?
My books can be purchased at www.punkinhouse.com www.amazon.com ... And soon they will be available nationally in bookstores both independent and chains.
Where can authors submit manuscripts for your review?
query by email only to lauren@adamanagementgroup.com starting Feb 7
Any thing you'd like to say to your readers?
I hope you enjoy reading my books as much as I enjoy writing them.
Any advice you have for the budding author in search for the perfect Lit Agent?
Keep searching. Don't give up.. The right agent for you is out there.
Thanks Lauren, for agreeing to be a guest on my blog!
If you want to submit to Lauren or follow her:
Blog: http://laurenhammondnovelist.blogspot.com/
Twitter: @NovelistLauren
Facebook Fanpage: http://www.facebook.com/#!/pages/Lauren-Hammond/100755776636370
Goodreads: http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/8610521-love-sucks
Book Trailer : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TLY_qY57n5U
Literary Agent Website: www.adamanagementgroup.com
Lauren, I loved this!! You so have to come visit me on the Graffiti Wall! LM was one of my star splatters. LOL
It's really great to get to know you better. What a great career and just moving upward. Looking forward to all the great things you have coming up in the future.
Oh, and Love Sucks is so a story for me. I must get it!!
Wonderful job, LM.
Great interview. Love Sucks is on my TBR list. Congrats on your success as a writer and best of luck to you in your new career as a literary agent.
Lauren - So excited for you to start your new career. And where better to be based out of than Florida? Although I may be partial. :) Congrats on all your past successes and the many more to come!
This was AWESOME!
Thanks everyone! Lauren is wonderful! A great example what perseverance gets you. As well, as now she is blazing her own path! Thanks for dropping in and support her and my blog :-D
Great interview, LM! Lauren sounds crazy energetic! :) Best of luck to her writing (and everything else!) endeavors.
Great interview. Lauren, the book sounds great. Adding it to my TBR pile. And good luck as you start your career as an agent!
Congratulations on your book and your new job, Lauren. Sounds like you'll stay very busy. Nice to read all about you.
Good intertview, LM.
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