Movie Synopsis: (taken from Strange lights descend on the city of LA, drawing people outside like moths to a flame where an extraterrestrial force threatens to swallow the entire human population off the face of the Earth.
My Review:
I had to go to a movie, and I wanted some action. SKYLINE delivered on the action and the special effects were decent (although the best was captured for the poster-see above). This was a C movie with a little better budget, but scifi all the way. The beginning was definitely a grabber, with the invasion starting and someone being lured by the light (did I say bright lights?).
They tried to get you to connect to the cast of characters by give you a flashback before the incident, but it didn’t do it for me. It seemed they figured the special effects and suspense was money better spent. I’m a greedy movie goer and would have preferred both.
There are some gross parts when people get abducted, but I liked the cat and mouse suspense and the space ships. The creatures even looked pretty good considering the low budget.
My other irritation besides the lack of connection to the characters was the ending. It seemed corny to me, but I still left the theatre rather hyped up, so I guess I got the ride I came there for.
I give it a 2.5 stars out of 5 stars. Matinee only or dvd if you have the TV to give you the special effects.
Thanks I wasn't sure if I wanted to pay full price for this flick or not. I think I'll go see Morning Glory instead and add this to my dvd queue.
When I saw the first trailer, I thought this would be another Independence Day fiasco. Those folks sure love blowing money on average movies.
Damn, that's a shame. I was really stoked for my buddy Donald Faison (better known to me as Shoon) whom I grew up with. This is the first big block buster film he finally got casted in. He's had a pretty successful career so far, but I was hoping this movie would really up things for him. Who knows, maybe it still will. Talent is talent and the boy's got some skillz :-) I will wait until it comes to Netflix. We no longer have a babysitter, so going to the movies has become limited. The only movie I'm going to see in the theater between now and the end of the year is HP.
Thanks for the review. It's kinda what I thought it would be.
Thanks for the review. I was on the fence, now I'm thinking it might not be as bad as I thought.
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